Chūsonji Setsubunちゅうそんじせつぶんえ
Sumo wrestlers join the men and women scattering beans for the perennially large crowd at Chūsonji's Setsubun.
In particular, the Mame Daishi talisman available at Chūsonji is said to ward off the Seven Misfortunes (described in Buddhist doctrine) and show the bearer's determination to overcome hardship.
Date | 2/3 (12:30, 14:30) |
Location | Chūsonji Main Hall |
Contact | Chūsonji Setsubun Committee 202 Koromonoseki, Hiraizumi, Iwate 029-4195 (t) 0191-46-2211 (f) 0191-46-2216 |
Circumference map
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