Hiraizumi Tourism Association

Event Calendar

HomeEvent Calendar ≫ Spring Fujiwara Festival

Spring Fujiwara Festivalはるのふじわらまつり

One of two annual Fujiwara Festivals: Spring and Fall. The Spring Fujiwara Festival in early May is particularly spectacular, with many events including a parade of children in period costume and the festival's climax, the Yoshitsune's Eastern Flight Processional.

This parade recreates Hidehira welcoming the arrival of Yoshitsune and his band of retainers in Hiraizumi after fleeing north from the pursuit of his vengeful brother, Yoritomo. Each year, famous personalities are chosen to play the roles of Hidehira, Yoshitsune, Yoshitsune's wife, and Yoshitsune's retainers (including Benkei), as they parade from Mōtsūji to Chūsonji.

5/1 Children's Parade
5/3 Yoshitsune's Eastern Flight Processional
5/4 Chūsonji Noh, Hakusan Shrine Festival
5/5 Mōtsūji Ennen no Mai, Benkei Strongman Contestbr
5/4 Local Performing Arts

Date 5/1-5/5
Location Hiraizumi

Circumference map

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